Saturday, May 19, 2012

"Hydrangeas" - Watercolor - 10x13 - May 2012

"Hydrangeas" - Watercolor - 10x13 - May 2012 - Just completed this painting at Ann Cockerill's Art with a Twist  workshop.     We painted with acrylic and water then I came back with watercolor to finish.    I want to try this one again to get a lighter and looser feel.   Hydrangeas are beautiful.   I have lacecaps and mop heads blooming in my garden.   You should put the Douglasville Hydrangea Festival on your calendar.   There is a flower show and tour of gardens scheduled for June 2-3, 2012. 

1 comment:

  1. So beautiful. I love hydrangeas!
    You should make prints for the festival.
