Thursday, September 24, 2015

Black & White Silhouette Project

2 Object Black & White Silhouette
This black and white silhouette has two different objects to create a design.   Can you see the two things??    It was drawn on black paper and cut and pasted on white paper.     I must say after hours and hours of sketching and trying many, many combinations!!  Now I have to find two more objects and design one to be white on black.     These designs and paper cuts are very tedious.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Southeastern Pastel Society "Awesome Art, Pastels 2015" - Painting Accepted

"Quiet Stream" - 9x12 - Pastel - 2014
Pleased to have "Quiet Stream" accepted into the Southeastern Pastel Society's "Awesome Art Pastels 2015".   The exhibit will be September 26, 2015 - October 30, 2015 at Johns Creek Art Center.   The Juror will be Nancy Nowak.  

Friday, September 11, 2015

Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Balance

Assymetrical Balance Design - paper,sharpie,pencil - 2015

Symmetrical Balance Design
In class this week we explored positive/negative shapes and looked at symmetrical - radial - asymmetrical balance.  This was one of my favorite Assymetrical Balance Designs.   I have several more to complete.   Next time I will join the edges rather than let the pieces float.  

Assymetrical Balance is felt or implied equilibrium between visual elements that differ in size, number, weight, color, or texture.  

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Gestalt Abstract

Creating Unity - Our challenge this week was to take 12 two inch square and choose 9 of the squares to create an abstract.    Our reading was regarding the Gestalt Approach.    I spent hours spinning these squares around and created lots of abstracts.  After hours of arranging the squares I created several compositions.   What each was missing was "unity".  While I didn't start out looking to create an abstract shape to represent something in the real world, I think I arrived at a design that tells a story.   Guess I will see if anyone else gets it!!!   

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Getting Down to the Basics

Launching the Imagination - A Guide To Two-Dimensional Design by Mary Stewart - You know painting and drawing is fun but sometimes you just have to get down to "study".   I've enjoyed reading this book and seeing art that utilizes the elements and principles of design.   A lot to be said for an artist to read and look at books and visits exhibits.