Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Gestalt Abstract

Creating Unity - Our challenge this week was to take 12 two inch square and choose 9 of the squares to create an abstract.    Our reading was regarding the Gestalt Approach.    I spent hours spinning these squares around and created lots of abstracts.  After hours of arranging the squares I created several compositions.   What each was missing was "unity".  While I didn't start out looking to create an abstract shape to represent something in the real world, I think I arrived at a design that tells a story.   Guess I will see if anyone else gets it!!!   

1 comment:

  1. Well you never know how things will turn out. I was surprised at the diversity of design. I could tell some really struggled with the assignment. I spent hours spinning the square but finally hit on a design when I focused more of the negative space. I think constantly switching from positive to negative image was distracting. Once I settled on negative image a design emerged.
